
Martin Environmental Solutions Inc. (MartinEnviro) is a diversified corporation contributing environmental consulting services nationwide. MartinEnviro excels at providing these services to industrial, telecommunication, commercial lending, and governmental agencies.  MartinEnviro manages environmental concerns by analyzing traditional methods, creating innovative, pragmatic solutions, and providing our clients economic resolutions to protect their business interest while maintaining a safe, healthy environment.  Here are a few of the services we provide:

Nationwide Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments NEPA Compliance/Checklists Section 106 Reviews and SHPO Compliance Lead Based Paint and
Site Walkovers Phase I and II ESAs Soil, groundwater, and surface water sampling and analysis Monitoring programs Site Characterization and
Mold investigation/surveys and remediation Pre and Post Remediation Sampling and Clearance Microbial IAQ Investigations Health Risk Assessments Collection and Analysis
OSHA Regulatory Compliance Occupational Exposure Investigations Nuisance Dust Work Station Assessments and Risk Assessment MSHA Regulatory Compliance Certified Asbestos Inspections/Management
Odor Investigations Petroleum Vapor Intrusion VOC and Chemical Pesticides Exposure Monitoring and Sampling Formaldehyde Fiberglass Lead Gases/Fumes/Vapors Asbestos Other
UST/AST Management and Removal Closure Assessments Corrective Action Plans SPCC Plans Hazard Identification and Evaluation Hazardous Chemical Management SARA Title
UST/AST Management and Removal UST Removal/Closure Assessment Corrective Action Plans Risk-Based Corrective Action SPCC Plans